In the Spirit of Sisterhood

In the Spirit of Sisterhood

To our soul sisters and partners in crime, this one's for you.

As an only child, I’ve always viewed the bond between sisters with wonder and a silent wish for a sister of my own. Throughout life, I've formed friendships akin to that of sisterhood, and I love my girlfriends something fierce. However, it wasn’t until I gave my first daughter Scarlett her little sister Stella that I genuinely felt the power of sisterhood.

Sisters are some of the most important relationships in life, and literature has long tried to capture the complex dynamic, from Jane Austen's Sense & Sensibility to Louise May Alcott’s Little Women. Therefore, in honor of sisters everywhere — perhaps real or those we call spirit sisters — we celebrate all-night dance parties, secrets carried in the wind, giggling under-the-covers, a lifetime of memories & adventure, dress-up, dancing in the moonlight, sweet, crazy conversations full of half sentences, daydreams, drama, and forever friendship. 

To our soul sisters and partners in crime, this one's for you.

To all-night dance parties, secrets carried in the wind, a lifetime of memories & adventure, our soul sisters and partners in crime, we celebrate you!

 Aletiza Photo
Kelly Stuart